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Bojonegoro Destination

By  Galeh Fatma Eko Ardiansa     Januari 07, 2014     
kayangan API Bojonegoro
The name of “Kayangan Api” is a fire source that never die, located in the forest in Sendangharjo village, Ngasem district, a village that has about 42,29% jungle area of the village width. According to a story, Kayangan Api is a place of Mbah Kriyo Kusumo or Mpu Supa took a rest, he also known as Mbah Pandhe from Mojopahit. In the west side of Kayangan Api, there is a puddle of mud that contain of sulfur, and according to belief, at that time still made farm tools and heirloom such as; keris, spear, cundrik, etc. Bojonegoro people are still believe that this fire source is sacred and according to the story, this fire had take if there is an important ceremony that had done in the past, such as; Jumenengan Ngarsodalem Hamengku Buwono X and took the fire through a requirement that is traditional party / Wilujengan and Tayuban with Javanese Song (Gending) of eling-eling, wani-wani and gunung, which is Mbah Kriyo Kusumo’s favorite song.
Complication :
That’s why when the music has played and danced, every body is not allowed to accompany the ‘Waranggono’. From those society story, then Kayangan Api that located about 25 km of Bojonegoro city, placed as the nature tourism object and placed to held an important that is the anniversary of Bojonegoro regency ceremony, together purify (Ruwatan Massal), and “Wisuda Waranggono” (Waranggono graduated). This tourism object has equipped with kinds of facilities such as; the hall, kiosks, the bridge, etc.
This location is very suitable for outbound event, because this is tourism area. At certain time, especially on Friday Pahing (Jum’at Pahing = one of Javanese days) there are many people come here to make a wish in order to get success, get married partner, get high status and even also to get the heirloom. The traditional ceremony that has done by the people is Nyadranan (Bersih Desa / the anniversary of a village) as thank you expression to the God.
Resolution :
The development of Kayangan Api tourism is aimed to the development of transportation, telecommunication, and accommodation. The visit to Kayangan Api can continue to the nature tourism of Watu Jago Bojonegoro and to Ngawi regency tourism objects.
Re-orientation :

We must keep nature for to day,tomorrow,and forever.

About Galeh Fatma Eko Ardiansa

If you can dream it, you can do it | Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration | If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems | The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart | I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

1 komentar:

  1. woaaa, this is the first blog which i find in 'destinasy in bojonegoro'. using english.
    and you get so much information, well i just know that. :D
    sorry , i still learning using english. :D
    nice to know your blog.


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